Subject: hehe..................talking about me?????
baldy Date: 3/16/2005 3:38:07 PM (GMT-7)
IP Address: Message:
the link i had for CPU central didn't work anymore, so i dumped it, now i find out you are posting pics of my CPU freezer unit.
it drove me nuts with all the NF7 and DFI MB, my bad run of Maxtor failures, the Pata/Sata crud from the early daze, so i went back to air for awhile.
that young wife of mine graduated University this year and now is doing an additional 1.5 years of specialized education, and, yes, we are still married, she hasn't killed me yet.
i think that covers it, been working a lot of hours, as the inheritance ran out and i had to go back to work for a living.....krap.